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A member registered Jun 28, 2021

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No official news yet, but what I can say is that the team has been making some incredible new content and positive strides forward. 


(1 edit)

Toes crossed we'll have some official release date news as soon as possible! 

Click the blue "download now" button above and then choose the file option depending on your operating system : 

The team is hard at work on awesome new things! 

Parece que se trata de un problema de picazón, el mejor plan de acción es contactarlos:

Once we have an official exact date, we'll update everyone ASAP!

The closest thing at this stage to a sandbox mode will be the level editor/create your own company mode. 

Yes with regards to it coming out on various outlets. I need to check with the AF devs with regards to if there are any plans about multiplayer or level editors. 

Wowzers! The team appreciates the kind words, thank you!

We appreciate the enthusiasm, thank you!

Yes - I'm sure the game will be available from various outlets. We have multiplayer in the game right now, local & via Steam remote play! We are also working on the create your own Startup mode that was in the Social Network update.

Hi Tameem526 , which download did you select? you need to choose the 2nd or 4th option depending on your operating system :) 

We love the enthusiasm! Ask as many questions as you need :) 

Thank you for playing! 

Very similar answers to the Anger Foot ones. I'll let the team know that there is interest in the final song.

It would be unfair on the team and the marketing people to discuss % complete, but let's just say that everyone is fully engaged in making SITTSM everything that it can be. 

And yes, the team will be looking at a Mac build. 

Welcome back! 

Thanks for the suggestion! 

Depending on your operating system, click the relevant files with the blue "download " button above. 

Can you tell us more about the setup you're trying to play on and what happens when you try? 

Click the blue "Download Now" button above and then choose the second file  

Development is going well! Thank you for asking.
If everything goes according to plan - there will be a Mac build. 

We're definitely interested in bringing the soundtrack to additional platforms - absolutely!

(2 edits)

The Neurolink demo currently offers a single-player experience, however, the plan is for it to be 2 player in the full game.

Thank you for playing! There are tons of awesome new things in the works, which we can hopefully share soon. 

click the blue "download" buttons above, depending on your OS. 

The Steam demo is the most up to date version at the moment. That being said - it doesn't include game modes and options available here. 

Gracias por la sugerencia

You toe-tally nailed it with this comment. 

The demo probably won't be updated - but the full game is happening! Thanks for playing. 

I can see you put a bunch of effort into that edit - thank you! 

Thank you for sharing! The team appreciates the support.

As much as we'd love to help, I'm afraid that we need all of the bits so that the game can game reach its full potential.

Thank you! Yes the full game will have other languages. No plans for an Android version yet, but it might be something the team looks at in the future. 

Great thumbnail - thanks for the upload.

Android might be something the team looks at in the future. Yes the full game will have :
Other languages
New and other features
New locations
New enemies
New shoes

Yes you can try the Mac versions above, they are the 3rd and 4th download options. 

Also - things have evolved and changed from version to version.

This is just the demo! The full version will be available this year if everything goes according to plan. 

(1 edit)

What happens when you click "Download Now? 

When we have finite dates for 2024 - we will update everywhere asap!